Tentative Schedule for Fall 1996

Please note that all colloquia meet from 3:30 to 4:30 PM in STR 202, unless indicated otherwise.

Date:		September 24
Title:		A Mathematical Genealogy
Speaker:	Dr. Gary Stoudt
Instit.:	IUP
Rating:		G

Date:		October 15
Title:		Enhancing the classroom
		experience with graphing calculators
Speaker:	Various speakers
Instit.:	IUP
Rating:		G

Date:		October 22
Title:		Some Mathematical Science
		Problems from Space Systems.
Speaker:	Dr. Dale C. Peterson 
Instit.:	IUP
Rating:		PG

Date:		November 5 
Title:		Graduate Studies in the Mathematical Sciences
		Department at Clemson University.
Speaker:	Christopher L. Cox 
Instit.:	Clemson University 
Rating:		PG-13

Date:		November 19
Title:		Boundary Surfaces of
		Implicitly Defined Solids-Graphical Output.
Speaker:	Dr. Rick A. Adkins
Instit.:	IUP
Rating:		R

Plese note this talk will be from 4:30 to 5:30

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